What I learned about Food From My Toddler

What I learned about Food From My Toddler

Kids are some of the most honest humans on the planet. They generally will keep it 100% real with you whether you want them to or not. When it comes to food children either love or hate what you’ve just put in front of them. If they hate it, you’re going to know straight a way. They will avoid opening their mouth, turn their heads or just down right throw a tantrum. I can’t begin to tell you how many tears I’ve seen my daughter shed over a meal she just wasn’t feeling. The same can be true for food that they love. If you kiddo is loving something you’ve just put in front of them, you’re going to know their into it! They will hmm and ahh, sway or wiggle their feet in approval, sometime their eyes will roll back in their head because the food is just that good.

I love to explore in the kitchen to see what my toddler might be into eating on any given day. I have quite a few good recipes my daughter loves which I keep in steady rotation, like refried black been quesadillas, sweet potato lentil stew and chicken noodle soup. But then there are a few newbies that I like to throw in every now and again to stretch her palate. Sometimes she vibes really well once with something new, then a week later realizes she actually doesn’t like it at all. Sometimes she hates something new I’ve given her right off the bat. Nothing is worse than seeing her repel from something I’ve cooked. Either way, she’s taught me so much on my journey to becoming a better cook. I am more aware of textures, flavor profiles and levels of spice than I ever was before. She’s also taught me that you cannot force someone to eat who simply does not want to.

One of the things I love the most about watching my little 2 year old eat is her ability to say no to something and mean it. Sometimes in life as adults we indulge in things because of pressure when we really shouldn’t. Like I don’t love dark chocolate, why am I indulging in half a bar with my mate just because we’re drinking wine in her living room on a Friday night? I can have the wine and miss the chocolate and be just fine. Good pairing, sure. But, I’d prefer some white chocolate toblerone. Just saying, its ok to say no or politely decline to food we’re really not feeling. I also love how my daughter goes totally silent when she’s into something. Its the cutest thing. You are well within your right to ask for peace while you finish your meal. Silence is a virtue. Enjoy that meal however you wish, mama!