Managing First Trimester Symptoms

Managing First Trimester Symptoms

If there is one thing that seems to be pretty common, its that the first trimester can tend to be the toughest for a lot of mommas to be. The first 12 weeks can include the whole gamut of pregnancy symptoms: nausea/morning sickness, fatigue, mood swings, fatigue, tender breasts, mild shortness of breath. It was most certainly one of the tougher 3 months for me to physically get through but I found a few things to be especially useful during this time period. Here are my tips:

  • To fight fatigue, go to bed early. Avoid staying up past 10pm. You will feel more refreshed the next day and less inclined to nap in the middle of the afternoon. Although, if you need to do that too, no one will judge you.

  • Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water not only helps your skin look beautiful but it also helps your organs function better. This may help ease any growing pains you may have from your ever expanding uterus. Try to down at least 2 liters of water a day. Sipping on non caffeinated teas are also a good way to boost your hydration.

  • Take all your vitamins. Prenatal vitamins aren’t the only must haves for some pregnant women. Talk with your health care provider to make sure you don’t have any ailments that need addressing. Some more common ones include vitamin D deficiency, anemia (low iron) etc. Making sure to stay on top of your overall general health is paramount. For your baby’s health and yours!

  • Eat a healthy well balanced diet that consists of vegetables, proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats like nuts and avocado.Try to avoid overeating as heartburn can be easier to catch when you’re expecting more than when you’re not. Greasy hard to digest foods may sound tempting but cause symptoms like constipation to arise. So, eat mindfully.

  • Avoid eating 3 hours before bed. This is a really big one to also help avoid heartburn. Don’t get me wrong, those late night snacks do be hitting in a crunch, especially when the nausea kicks in. But, do your best to eat around 6pm if you know your bedtime is 9 and choose healthier snacks like nuts or crackers or a piece of toast as opposed to a grilled cheese or slice of pizza at 11pm at night.

Just remember, your body is doing so many wonderful things at this time, take it day by day. Something to note: you produce more estrogen during your pregnancy than you do over the course of your entire life when you aren’t pregnant. This can cause you to have all the feels. Remember to be kind to yourself, gentle and easy does it.