More on Breastfeeding.... It's Ghetto!

More on Breastfeeding.... It's Ghetto!

Yeah I said it....I’m almost 5 weeks postpartum with my second child. You’d think after having my first just 15 months ago, I’d be more prepared. But let’s face it: nothing truly prepares you for the chaotic rollercoaster of breastfeeding — no matter how many times someone chants “Breast is Best!” or asks what pump you use. And while some moms are out there bragging about a month’s worth of milk in their freezer, there really needs to be more discourse oh how the rest of us are just trying to survive the perils of producing liquid gold.

With my first daughter, breastfeeding was a bust. She wasn’t interested in nipples, shields, or anything that didn’t deliver immediate gratification. She had one mission: food, fast. So my pumping journey began sooner than planned, and suddenly my life was a chaotic mess of counting calories, Googling “Fenugreek: friend or foe?”, setting pumping alarms, and washing those “easy-to-clean” pump parts a million times a day. At first, I felt like a champion — two whole bags of frozen milk in the freezer, #winning! But the reality? Misery. Pumping was painful, exhausting, and utterly disheartening when, after 20 minutes, I’d get a sad little 1.5 ounces and think, “That’s it? No wonder my baby ditched me.” And when I knocked over that precious milk? Yeah, I cried. A lot.

Fast forward to baby number two. This time, I was determined to experience the magical bonding moments everyone talks about. My delivery was serene — candlelight, slow jams, and those mystical unicorn midwives at the birthing center. When my midwife said, “Let’s nurse,” it felt like the fairy tale I’d always heard about. My newborn latched, our eyes met, the room beamed with joy… until a few hours later. Back at home, ready for a cozy family moment, my new baby latched on, took a piece of my soul with her, and I swear I saw it float away whispering, “Bye, b**ch.”

Now, 5 weeks in, I’ve stuck with exclusively breastfeeding, thanks to a tongue-tie release (kind of helped) and the lifesaving magic of Chébona’s moringa lactation latte and cookies. But let me tell you, breastfeeding is a full-time ghetto job. Cluster feeding? Check. Sleep deprivation? Absolutely. Engorged, rock-hard breasts that sense hunger before your baby does? Yep. And let’s not forget those tiny fists shadow-boxing your carefully aligned nipple or the sheer insult of watching milk trickle from the corner of their mouth after they’ve dismissed you.

Still, those chubby cheeks make it worth it (most days). And while sarcasm tells me my tummy is getting flatter, the reality is: breastfeeding is hard, messy, and hilariously brutal. If you’re on this wild ride too, know that Chébona has your back — because every mom deserves support, lactation boosts, and a little humor to get through it all. 🍼✨